localization = (function () { "use strict"; var dict = { "Remove": "Remove", "Select file": "Select file", "Select files": "Select files", "Replace": "Replace", "Saved {0}": "Saved {0}", "Too many files selected - you can not select more than {0} {1} for this field.": "Too many files selected - you can not select more than {0} {1} for this field.", "file": "file", "files": "files", "The file is too large - you can not upload more than {0} KB.": "The file is too large - you can not upload more than {0} KB.", "Sorry, an error occurred. The file could not be removed. Check you submission and try again, or restart the submission process.": "Sorry, an error occurred. The file could not be removed. Check you submission and try again, or restart the submission process.", "Do you want to automatically mark your current location?\n\nSelect cancel to mark your location manually.": "Do you want to automatically mark your current location?\n\nSelect cancel to mark your location manually.", "The website does not have access to your current location (this can be changed in your browsers settings).\n\nSelect your location manually from the map.": "The website does not have access to your current location (this can be changed in your browsers settings).\n\nSelect your location manually from the map.", "Unable to detect your location.": "Unable to detect your location.", "The address is not within the valid area.": "The address is not within the valid area.", "Unknown location.": "Unknown location.", "You can only select {0} location(s).": "You can only select {0} location(s).", "You must zoom in closer in order for the selected location to be accurate.": "You must zoom in closer in order for the selected location to be accurate.", "The selected location is not within the valid area.": "The selected location is not within the valid area.", "An error occurred - the action could not be executed.": "An error occurred - the action could not be executed.", "Zoom in": "Zoom in", "Zoom out": "Zoom out", "Add marker": "Add marker", "Remove marker": "Remove marker", "Move marker here": "Move marker here", "Center map on marker": "Center map on marker", "Center map here": "Center map here", "The selected document ({0} KB) would cause the sum of all uploaded documents to exceed the max. allowed size limit of {1} KB.": "The selected document ({0} KB) would cause the sum of all uploaded documents to exceed the max. allowed size limit of {1} KB.", "The selected documents ({0} KB) would cause the sum of all uploaded documents to exceed the max. allowed size limit of {1} KB.": "The selected documents ({0} KB) would cause the sum of all uploaded documents to exceed the max. allowed size limit of {1} KB.", }; function formatString(format, args) { for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { format = format.replace('{' + i + '}', args[i]) } return format } function localize(format /* , [ arg1, arg2, ... ] */) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return localizeInternal(format, args); }; function localizeRecursive(format /* , [ arg1, arg2, ... ] */) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return localizeInternal(format, args, true); }; function localizeInternal(key, args, localizeArgs) { if (!key) { return key } var s = dict[key]; if (!s) { console.warn("Missing localization for \"" + key + "\",") s = key } if (!args || args.length === 0) { return s; } if (localizeArgs) { args = args.map(localize); } return formatString(s, args); } return { localize: localize, localizeRecursive: localizeRecursive } }()); var localize = localization.localize, localizeRecursive = localization.localizeRecursive;